
I. Actual Publications sorted by topics

Cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics

Reiber H (2024) Cerebrospinal fluid Diagnostics in Neurology. Paradigm change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-68839-7
Reiber H (2023). Liquordiagnostik in der Neurologie. Paradigmenwechsel bei Hirnschranken, Immunsystem und chronischen Krankheiten. Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-662-68136-7, ISBN 3-662-68136-6
Reiber H, Uhr M (2020). Physiologie des Liquors. In: Berlit P. (Hrsg) Klinische Neurologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S.107-125
Uhr M, Reiber H (2020). Liquordiagnostik. In : Berlit P (Hrsg) Klinische Neurologie, Springer 2020, S.213-244
Reiber H (2016). Cerebrospinal fluid data compilation and knowledge-based interpretation of bacterial, viral, parasitic, oncological, chronic inflammatory and demyelinating diseases: Diagnostic patterns not to be missed in Neurology and Psychiatry. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 74:337-350
Reiber H (2016). Knowledge-base for interpretation of Cerebrospinal fluid data patterns – Essentials in Neurology and Psychiatry. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 74:501-512
Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H (2010) Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
Reiber H (2003). Proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and blood: Barriers, CSF flow rate and source-related dynamics. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 21:79-96.
CSF Tutor App, 2024 (

Brain Barriers
Reiber H (2024) Cerebrospinal fluid Diagnostics in Neurology. Paradigm change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-68839-7
Reiber H (2021a). Blood-CSF barrier dysfunction means reduced cerebrospinal fluid flow not barrier leakage: conclusions from CSF protein data. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 79: 56-67
Reiber H (2021b) Non-linear ventriculo – lumbar protein gradients validate the diffusion-flow model for the blood-CSF barrier. Clin Chim Acta. 513: 64-67
Reiber H (1994). Flow rate of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)- a concept common to normal blood-CSF barrier function and to dysfunction in neurological diseases. J Neurol Sci 122:189-203.
Reiber H (2024). Blut-Liquor-Schrankenfunktion und Liquorfluß. In: Zettl U, Tumani H, Süessmuth S. (Eds). Klinische Liquordiagnostik. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2024

Chronic Diseases
Reiber H (2024) Cerebrospinal fluid Diagnostics in Neurology. Paradigm change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-68839-7
Reiber H (2017a). Chronic diseases with delayed onset after vaccinations and infections: A complex systems approach to pathology and therapy, J Arch Mil Med. 2017 ;5(3): e12285. doi: 10.5812/jamm.12285.
Reiber H (2017b). Polyspecific antibodies without persisting antigen in multiple sclerosis, neurolupus and Guillain-Barré syndrome: immune network connectivity in chronic diseases. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2017, 75(8):580-588,
Reiber H (2012). Epigenesis and epigenetics- understanding chronic diseases as a selforganizing stable phenotype Neurol. Psych. Brain Res. 18: 79-81
Reiber H, Davey B (1996). Desert-storm-syndrome and immunization. Arch Internal Med 156:217.
Reiber H (2024) Chronische neurologische und psychiatrische Krankheiten. Entwicklung, Diagnostik, Therapie In: Zettl U, Tumani H, Süessmuth S.(Eds). Klinische Liquordiagnostik. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2024

Reiber H (2012). Komplexität und Selbstorganisation stabiler biologischer Gestalt in Epigenese und Evolution – Von der genozentrischen zur phänozentrischen Biologie. In: Kaasch, et al (Hrsg.). Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie, Berlin: VWB. Bd. 17, S. 37 – 80
Reiber H (2007) Die Komplexität biologischer Gestalt als zeitunabhängiges Konstrukt im Zustands-Raum. Zum naturwissenschaftlichen Umgang mit Qualitäten. In: Doris Zeilinger (Hg): VorSchein, Jahrbuch der Ernst-Bloch- Assoziation, Antogo Verl. Nürnberg, S. 39-61

Philosophy of science
Reiber H (2024) Cerebrospinal fluid Diagnostics in Neurology. Paradigm change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-68839-7
Reiber H (2017). Genetisches Programm und Selbstorganisation stabiler Form. Die zwei Hirnhälften und Jahrtausende Koexistenz kontroverser Sicht der Welt. In: Kaasch (Hg.). VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, Bd. 19. S. 189-213
Reiber, H (2017) Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in der DDR und BRD. Ein Vergleich mit Beispielen aus der Biologie und Medizin. In: Kaasch et al (Hg.). VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, Bd. 20. S. 151-178
Reiber H (2016). Liquordiagnostik in Deutschland nach 1950. Entwicklungen im Kontext von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in DDR und BRD. Nervenarzt 87:1261-1270
Reiber H (2008). Von Lichtenbergs „Gespenst“ zur Emergenz der Qualität. Die neurobiologische Hirn-Geist-Diskussion im Licht der Komplexitätswissenschaft. In: U.Joost und A.Neumann (Hrsg) Lichtenberg Jahrbuch 2008, S.65-93

II. All publications sorted by year

Flohe L, Niebch G und Reiber H (1971). Zur Wirkung von Divicin in menschlichen Erythrozyten. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 9:431-437.

Reiber H (1972). Photochemical reactions of Vitamin B-6 compounds, isolation and properties of products. Biochim Biophys Acta 279:310-315.

Reiber H (1976). Vitamin B-6 catalysed ß-elimination of serine and 0-phosphoserine. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of catalytic influences at the rate limiting step, a comparison with the rate of enzymatic ß-elimination. Biochim Biophys Acta 444:734-755.

Reiber H (1978). Chlosterol/lipid interactions in membranes. The saturation concentration of cholesterol in bilayers of various lipids. Biochim Biophys Acta 512:72-83.

Reiber H and Waehneldt TV (1978). Biochemical characterization of myelin subfractions obtained from ox brain stem by zonal centrifugation. Neurosci Lett 8:177-181.

Reiber H (1979). Quantitative Bestimmung der lokal im Zentralnervensystem synthetisierten Immunglobulin G-Fraktionen des Liquors. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 17:587-591.

Reiber H and Voss W (1980). Cholesterolester hydrolase activity in human cerebrospinal fluid. J Neurochem 34:1324-1326.

Kohlschütter A, Reiber H and Bauer HJ (1980). Myelin basic protein in cerebrospinal fluid as an indicator of MS process activity. In: Progress in Multiple Sclerosis Research. Bauer HJ, Poser S and Ritter G (eds). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p 168-169.

Reiber H (1980). Eine aktuelle Darstellung des Liquorproteinprofils zur Differentialdiagnose von Schrankenfunktionsstörungen und entzündlichen Prozessen des Zentralnervensystems. Aktuelle Neurologie 7:127-134.

Reiber H (1980). The discrimination between different blood-CSF barrier dysfunctions and inflammatory reactions of the CNS by a recent evaluation graph for the protein profile of CSF. J Neurol 224:89-99.

Reiber H (1980). Eine schnelle und einfache nephelometrische Bestimmungsmethode für Protein im Liquor cerebrospinalis. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 18:123-127.

Schipper HI, Reiber H und Bauer HJ (1982). Oligoklonales IgG im Liquor von MS-Patienten. In: Multiple Sklerosis. Taskos NA (ed), Proc IV South East Eur Neuropsychiatr Conf, Vol III, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, pp 59-68.

Kruse H, Reiber H und Schipper HI (1982). Bestimmung oligoklonaler IgG-Subfraktionen in Liquor und Serum. Technik und diagnostische Bedeutung. LKB Instruments, München, Application Note.

Reiber H (1982). Ein neues physikalisch-chemisches Prinzip zur Bestimmung von Protein-Konzentrationen in biologischen Proben. Fresenius Z Anal Chem 311:374-375.

Sauerbrey R and Reiber H (1982). Analysis of thiopental in serum and cerebrospinal fluid by HPLC. Fresenius Z Anal Chem 331:412.

Quentin CD und Reiber H (1982). Kammerwasser-Protein-Konzentration beim Melanom der Aderhaut. Fortschr Ophthalmol 79:199-201.

Quentin CD und Reiber H (1983). IgG-Kammerwasser-Konzentration und oligoklonales IgG bei intraokularen Entzündungen. Fortschr Ophthalmol 80:426-428.

Reiber H (1983). Kinetics of protein agglomeration. A nephelometric method for the determination of total protein in biological samples. J Biochem Biophys Meth 7:153-160.

Reiber H (1983). Liquordiagnostik-Grundprogramm. MTA-Journal 5:430-436.

Reiber H and Schunk O (1983). Suboccipital puncture of guinea pigs. Laboratory Animals 17:25-27.

Reiber H and Thiele P (1983). Species-dependent variables in blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier function for proteins. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 21:199-202.

Reiber H, Suckling AJ, Schipper HI, Kirby AJ, Thiele P and Rumsby MG (1983). Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier dysfunction and humoral immune response in chronic relapsing EAE: Comparison with multiple sclerosis. In: Actual Proteins in Multiple Sclerosis Research. Pedersen E, Clausen J and Oades L (eds). Fadl´s Forlag, Kobenhavn, pp 348-351.

Suckling AJ, Reiber H, Kirby JA and Rumsby MG (1983). Chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Immmunological and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier-dependent changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. J Neuroimmunol 4:35-45.

Reiber H, Suckling AJ and Rumsby MG (1984). The effect of Freund´s adjuvant on blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability. J Neurol Sci 63:55-61.

Reiber H (1984). Pathobiochemische Prozesse bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Zentralnerven-systems und deren Nachweis in der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit. In: Pathobiochemie der Entzündung. Lang K und Greiling H (Hrsg). Springer-Verlag Heildelberg, pp 153-175.

Suckling AJ and Reiber H (1984). Cerebrospinal fluid sampling from guinea pigs: Sample volume-related changes in protein concentration in control animals and animals in the relapsing phase of chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Lab Anim 18:36-39.

Suckling AJ, Reiber H, Kirby JA and Rumbsby MG (1984). Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability changes in guinea pigs inoculated for chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis or with adjuvant alone. In: Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: A useful model for multiple sclerosis. Alvord EC, Kies MW and Suckling AJ (eds). AR Liss Inc, NY, pp 75-80 (Prog Clin Biol Res 1984;146:75-80).

Schipper HI and Reiber H (1984). Liquorproteinprofil und oligoklonales IgG. In: Akut entzündliche Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems und seiner Hüllen. Gänshirt H, Haak G und Berlit P (Hrsg). Perimed-Verlag, Erlangen, pp 206-210.

Schipper HI, Kruse H, Reiber H (1984). Silver-staining of oligoclonal IgG subfractions in cerebrospinal fluid after isoelectric focusing in thin-layer polyacrylamide gels. Science Tools 31:5-6.

Tourtellotte WW, Ingram TJ, Shapshak P, Staugaitis SM and Reiber H (1984). Correlation of multiple sclerosis IgG fractionated by capillary isotachophoresis (ITP) and by isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In: Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: A useful model for multiple sclerosis. Alvord EC, Kies MW and Suckling AJ (eds). AR Liss Inc, NY, pp 379-384.

Felgenhauer K, Nekic M, Jacobi C, Reiber H und Frowein RA (1984). Tumormarker im Liquor cerebrospinalis. Aktuelle Onkologie 13:107-117.

Reiber H (1984). Pathobiochemische Prozesse bei entzündlichen demyelisierenden Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems und deren Nachweis in der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit. Habilitationsschrift. Fachbereich Medizin der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 230S.

Kruse T, Reiber H and Neuhoff V (1985). Amino acid transport across the human blood-CSF barrier. An evaluation graph for amino acid concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid. J Neurol Sci 70:129-138.

Staugaitis SM, Shapshak P, Tourtellotte WW, Lee MM, Reiber H (1985). Isoelectric focusing of unconcentrated cerebrospinal fluid: Applications to ultrasensitive analysis of oligoclonal immunoglobulin G. Electrophoresis 6:287-291.

Reiber H (1986). Evaluation of blood-CSF barrier dysfunctions in neurological diseases. In: The blood-brain barrier in health and disease. Suckling AJ, Rumsby MG and Bradbury MWB (eds). Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, pp 132-146.

Suckling AJ, Reiber H and Rumsby MG (1986). The blood-CSF barrier in chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. In: The blood-brain barrier in health and disease. Suckling AJ, Rumsby MG and Bradbury MWB (eds). Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, pp. 147-157.

Reiber H, Jacobi C and Felgenhauer K (1986). Sensitive quantitation of carcinoembryonic antigen in cerebrospinal fluid and its barrier-dependent differentiation. Clin Chim Acta 156:259-269.

Reiber H, Suckling AJ (1986). Cyclosporin A treatment of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Changes in  neuroimmunological regulations and blood-CSF barrier function. J Neuroimmunol 12:121-130.

Jacobi C, Reiber H and Felgenhauer K (1986). The clinical relevance of the locally produced carcinoembryonic antigen in cerebrospinal fluid. J Neurol 233:358-361.

Suckling AJ, Baron PW and Reiber H (1986). Chronic relapsing allergic encephalomyelitis. Cyclosporin A treatment of relapsing and remitting disease. J Clin Lab Immunol 21:173-176.

Reiber H, Link M, Kitze B and Wagner R (1987). Increased chemiluminescence of stimulated monocytes during an acute immune reaction in guinea pigs. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. New Perspectives. J Schölmerich, R Andreesen, A Kapp, M Ernst and WB Wood (eds). J Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp 89-93.

Lütgens M, Reiber H and Schramm I (1987). The iodine luminol reaction. An improved iodine assay and the characterization of the reaction products. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. New Perspectives. J Schölmerich, R Andreesen, A Kapp, M Ernst and WB Wood (eds). J Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp 571-574.

Reiber H and Felgenhauer K (1987). Protein transfer at the blood-CSF barrier and the quantitation of the humoral immune response within the central nervous system. Clin Chim Acta 163:319-328.

Reiber H (1987). Liquordiagnostik. Diagnose und Labor 37:63-72.

Reiber H (1988). Aktuelle Methoden der Liquoranalytik. Lab med 12:101-109.

Reiber H (1988). Untersuchungen des Liquors zur Diagnose neurologischer Erkrankungen. In: Die Labordiagnostik von Erkrankungen des Nervensystems. M Holzgraefe, H. Reiber, K Felgenhauer (Hrsg). Perimed-Verlag, Erlangen, pp 35-50.

Jacobi C and Reiber H (1988). Clinical relevance of increased neuron-specific enolase concentration in cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chim Acta 177:49-54.

Reiber H, Kitze B, Link M, Wagner R (1988). Cellular immune reactions and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier dysfunction in guinea pigs. Neurochem Res 13:463-466.

Reiber H (1989). Discrimination between different types of low-level luminescence in mammalian cells: The biophysical radiation. J Biolumin Chemilumin 4:245-248.

Reiber H (1990). Low-level luminescence from disintegrated brain cells. Subcellular distribution and kinetics of the biophysical radiation. In: Biological Luminescence. Jezowska-Trzebiatowska, B Kochel, J Slawinski, W Strek (eds). World Scientific Publ, Inc, Singapore, pp 224-233.

Reiber H and Uhr M (1991). Photon emission from brain cells: Subcellular localization, non-enzymatic reactants and kinetics. In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. PE Stanley and LJ Kricka (eds). J Wiley & Sons, p 215-218.

Uhr M and Reiber H (1991). Characterization of ascorbic acid an endogenous reactant of non-enzymatic chemiluminescence from brain cells.In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. PE Stanley and LJ Kricka (eds). J Wiley & Sons, p 305-308.

Reiber H and Lange P (1991). Quantification of Virus-Specific Antibodies in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum: Sensitive and Specific Detection of Antibody Synthesis in Brain. Clin Chem 37-1153-1160.

Carlsson J, Armstrong VW, Reiber H, Felgenhauer K, Seidel D (1991). Clinical relevance of the quantification of apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chim Acta 196:167-176.

Reiber H (1991). Liquorproteindiagnostik. In: Proteindiagnostik. L Thomas, A Fateh-Moghadam, WG Guder, W Hoffmann, H Reiber, M Lammers (Hrsg). Behringwerke AG, Frankfurt, pp 140-167.

Reiber H (1991). Die Behinderung des Liquorflusses als Ursache der pathologischen Proteinkonzentration im Liquor. In: Infektionskrankheiten des Nervensystems. G Huffmann, H-J Braune (Hrsg). Einhorn-Presse Verlag Reinbek, p 25-31.

Felgenhauer K and Reiber H (1992). The diagnostic significance of antibody specifity indices in multiple sclerosis and herpes virus induced diseases of the nervous system. The clinical Investigator, 70:28-37.

Reiber H (1993). Decreased flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as origin of the pathological increase of protein concentration in CSF. In: CNS Barriers and Modern CSF Diagnostics. K Felgenhauer, M Holzgraefe, HW Prange (eds). Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, pp 305-317.

Schaarschmidt HE, Prange HW, Reiber H (1993). Serial Plasma Analyses of Neuron-Specific Enolase: A Diagnostic and Prognostic Parameter in Cerebral Damage. In: CNS Barriers and Modern CSF Diagnostics. K Felgenhauer, M Holzgraefe, HW Prange (eds). Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, pp 434-438.

Reiber H, Ruff M, Uhr M (1993). Ascorbate Concentration in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and Serum. Intrathecal Accumulation and CSF flow rate. Clin Chim Acta 217:163-173.

Reiber H, Martens U, Prall F, Uhr M (1994). Relevance of endogenous ascorbate and tocopherol for brain cell vitality indicated by photon emission. J Neurochem 62:608-614.

Schaarschmidt H, Prange H, Reiber H (1994). Neuron-specific enolase concentrations in blood as a prognostic parameter in cerebrovascular diseases. Stroke 24:558-565.

Reiber H, Frauendorf-Schaarschmidt H (1994). NSE as a useful prognostic factor for patients after cerebral hypoxia. In: Evaluation Report Cobas Core NSE EIA, Hoffmann-La Roche (ed). Basel, pp 8-22.

Andersson M, Alvarez-Cermeño J, Bernardi G, et al. (1994). Cerebrospinal Fluid in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis: A Consensus Report. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 57:897-902.

Graef IT, Henze T und Reiber H (1994). Polyspezifische Immunreaktion im ZNS bei Auto-immunerkrankungen mit ZNS-Beteiligung. Zeitschrift für ärztl Fortbildung 88:587-591.

Reiber H (1994). Flow rate of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)- a concept common to normal blood-CSF barrier function and to dysfunction in neurological diseases. J Neurol Sci 122:189-203.

Reiber H (1994). The hyperbolic function: a mathematical solution of the protein flux/CSF flow model for blood-CSF barrier function J Neurol Sci 126:243-245.

Reiber H (1994). Verfrühte Jubelrufe. Konsequenzen des statischen Genbegriffs für die Medizin. Politische Ökologie 35:50-52.

Conrad AJ, Chiang EY, Andeen LE, Avolio C, Walker SM, Baumhefner RW, et al. (1994)  Quantitation of intrathecal measles virus IgG antibody synthesis rate: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol;54:99-108.

Reiber H (1994). Das gesunde Chaos. Gene und Dynamik der Selbstorganisation. Zeitschrift der Fachschaft Medizin, Freiburg, Appendix 4:10-13.

Reiber H, Heitmann S. (1994) Polyspecific immune response in brain persistance of antigen or network memory. J Neuroimmunol, 54:191

Reiber H (1995). External quality assessment in clinical neurochemistry: Survey of analysis for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins based on CSF/serum quotients. Clin Chem 41: 256-263.

Tumani H, Nölker G, and Reiber H (1995). Relevance of cerebrospinal fluid parameters for early diagnosis in neuroborreliosis. Neurology 45:1663-1670.

Prange HW, Aue G, Frauendorf H, Reiber H (1995). Die neuronenspezifische Enolase als Prognosemarker bei zerebraler Hypoxie. Intensivmed 32:17-22.

Reiber H (1995). Die diagnostische Bedeutung neuroimmunologischer Reaktionsmuster im Liquor cerebrospinalis. Lab med 19:444-462.

Reiber H (1995). Biophysics of protein diffusion from blood into CSF: The modulation by CSF flow rate. In: New concepts of a blood-brain barrier. J Greenwood, D. Begley and M. Segal (eds). Plenum Press Comp Ldn, pp 219-227.

Puccioni-Sohler M, Kitze B, Felgenhauer K, Graef IT, Lange P, Novis S, Reiber H, Vaz B (1995). The value of CSF analysis for the differential diagnosis of HTLV-1 associated myelopathy and multiple sclerosis. Arq Neuropsychiatr 53:760-765.

Reiber H, Davey B (1996). Desert-storm-syndrome and immunization. Arch Internal Med 156:217.

Reiber H (1996). Cooperative nerve cell assembly, cooperative molecular domain and cooperative modes of quantum ordered states – the trace of memory formation in brain. In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1996. N Elsner and HU Schnitzler (eds). Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, p 803.

Reiber H (1996). Evaluation of blood-CSF barrier function and quantification of the humoral immune response within the CNS. In: CSF analysis in multiple sclerosis. EJ Thompson, M Trojano and P Livrea (eds). Springer-Verlag Milano, pp 51-72.

Gharavi AE, Reiber H (1996). Affinity and avidity of autoantibodies. In: Autoantibodies. JB Peter and Y Schoenfeld (eds). Elsevier Science BV, pp 13-23.

Reiber H, (1997) CSF Flow – Its influence on CSF concentrations of brain-derived and blood-derived proteins. In: Teelken A, Korf J (eds) Neurochemistry, Plenum Press NY, pp 423-432.

Korenke GC, Reiber H, Hunnemann DH, Hanefeld F. (1997). Intrathecal IgA synthesis in X-linked cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy. J Child Neurol 12(5):314-320.

Quentin CD, Reiber H (1997). Kammerwasseranalytik bei intraokularer Toxoplasmose. Ophtalmologe, Springer-Verlag 94:728-731.

Lewczuk P, Reiber H, and Ehrenreich H (1998). Prothrombin in normal human cerebrospinal fluid originates from blood. Neurochem Research 23(8):1027-1030.

Reiber H (1998). Cerebrospinal fluid – physiology, analysis and interpretation of protein patterns for diagnosis of neurological diseases. Multiple Sclerosis 4:99-107.

Reiber H, Ungefehr St, Jacobi Chr (1998). The intrathecal, polyspecific and oligoclonal immune response in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 4:111-117.

Nau R, Lantsch M, Stiefel M, Polak T, Reiber H (1998). Varicella zoster virus-associated focal vasculitis without herpes zoster: recovery after treatment with acyclovir. Neurology 51:914-915.

Tumani H, Reiber H, Nau R, Prange HW, Kauffmann K, Mäder M, Felgenhauer K (1998). Beta-trace protein concentration in cerebrospinal fluid is decreased in patients with bacterial meningitis. Neuroscience Letters 242:5-8.

Reiber H (1998). Die Entstehung von Form und Krankheit. Selbstorganisation oder genetisches Programm – zwei Paradigmen im Widerstreit. In: Engels, Junker & Weingarten (Hrgb). Ethik der Biowissenschaften. Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, S. 393-410.

Dorta AJ, Reiber H (1998). Intrathecal synthesis of immunoglobulins in eosinophilic meningoencephalitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 5:452-455.

Lewczuk P, Reiber H and Tumani H (1998). Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) in cerebrospinal fluid – the evaluation of blood-derived and brain-derived fractions in neurological diseases. J Neuroimmunol 87:156-161.

Dorta-Contreras AJ, Martínez-Torres E, Dotres-Martínez C y Reiber H (1998). Nuevos hallazgos en líquido cefalorraquídeo en pacientes pediátricos con neuropatía epidémica cubana. Rev Esp Pediatr 54:213-216.

Lewczuk P, Wiltfang J, Lange M, Jahn H, Reiber H, Ehrenreich H (2000). Prothrombin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid is not altered in Alzheimer´s disease. Neurochem Res 24:1531-1534.

Lewczuk P, Reiber H, Korenke GC, Bollensen E, Dorta-Contreras AJ (2000). Intrathecal release of sICAM-1 into CSF in neuroborreliosis – increased brain-derived fraction. J Neuroimmunol 103:93-96.

Dorta-Contreras AJ, Reiber H, Lewzcuk P, (2000). Patterns of immunoglobulin synthesis in pediatric patients with Coxsackie A meningoencephalitis during the neuropathy epidemie in Cuba. Rev Neurol 30(8):716-718.

Shaw P, Reiber H and Brennan Chr (2000). European cerebrospinal fluid Consensus Group – a TeamRoom (Lotus Notes)-based communication network. Clin Chem Lab Med 38(8):747-751.

Reiber H (2001). Grundlagen der Liquoranalytik mit Fallbeispielen neurologischer Erkrankungen. Beckman Coulter, Krefeld, CD-ROM.

Reiber H and Peter JB (2001) Cerebrospinal fluid analysis – disease-related data patterns and evaluation programs. J Neurol Sci;184:101-122.

Süssmuth SD, Reiber H, Tumani H (2001). Tau protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): a blood-CSF barrier related evaluation in patients with various neurological diseases. Neurosci Lett 2001;300:95-98.

Reiber H, Otto M, Trendelenburg Chr and Wormek A (2001). Reporting cerebrospinal fluid data – knowledge base and interpretation software. Clin Chem Lab Med, 39:324-332.

Reiber H (2001). Dynamics of brain-derived proteins in cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chim Acta 310:173-186.

Lewczuk P and Reiber H (2001). sICAM-1 in human cerebrospinal fluid in health and disease. Recent Res Devel Neurochem;4:81-88.

Kluge H, Linke E, Reiber H, Zimmermann K (2001). Das aktuelle Liquor-Labor – Methoden, Evaluation und klinische Relevanz neuer und alter Analysen-Parameter. J Lab Med 25(3/4):135-149.

Dorta-Contreras AJ, Reiber H, Magraner-Tarrau ME, Weissbrich B, Interián-Morales MT, Noris-García E, Escobar-Pérez X, González-Hernández T (2002). Valor neuroinmunoepidemiológico del reibergrama en la primera epidemia de meningoencefalitis por echovirus 16 en Cuba. Rev Neurol 35:517-520.

Dorta-Contreras AJ, Reiber H, Magraner-Tarrau ME, Weissbrich B, Interian-Morales MT, Noris-García E, Escobar-Perex X, Gonzalez-Mujica IO (2002). Intrathecal synthesis pattern of immunoglobulins in meningoencephalistis epidemic due to echovirus 9. Rev Neurol 35:904-907.

Reiber H, Thompson EJ, Grimsley G, Bernardi G, Adam P, Almeida SM, Fredman P, Keir G, Lammers M, Liblau R, Menna-Barreto M, Sá MJ, Seres E, Sindic CJM, Teelken A, Trendelenburg C, Trojano M, van Antwerpen MP, Verbeek MM (2003). Quality Assurance for Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Analysis: International Consensus by an Internet-Based Group Discussion. Clin Chem Lab Med 41:331-337.

Lejon V, Reiber H, Legros D, Djé N, Magnus E, Wouters I, Sindic CJM, Büscher Ph (2003). Intrathecal immune response pattern for improved diagnosis of central nervous system involvement in trypanosomiasis. Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID);187:1475-1483.

Reiber H (2003). Proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and blood: Barriers, CSF flow rate and source-related dynamics. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 21:79-96.

Rostasy K, Reiber H, Pohl D, Lange P, Ohlenbusch A, Eiffert H, Maass M, Hanefeld F. (2003). Chlamydia pneumoniae in children with MS: Frequency and quantity of intrathecal antibodies. Neurology 61:125-128.

Reiber H, Walther K, Althaus H (2003). Beta-trace protein as sensitive marker for CSF Rhinorhea and CSF Otorhea. Acta Neurol Scandinavica;108:359-362.

Reiber H, Uhr M (2003). Liquordiagnostik-Ausbildung und Fachqualifikation. Richtlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik und Klinische Neurochemie (DGLN). J Lab Med. 27:322-328.

Quentin CD, Reiber H (2004). Fuchs´ Heterochromic Cyclitis – rubella virus antibodies and genome in aqueous humor AJO 138:46-54.

Reiber H (2004). Reply. Beta-trace protein concentration in nasal secretion: discrepancies and flaws in recent publications. Acta Neurol Scand 110:339-341.

Pohl D, Rostasy K, Reiber H, Hanefeld F (2004) CSF characteristic in early onset multiple sclerosis, Neurology 63:1966-67

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Reiber H (2005). Qualitätskontrolle für Proteinanalytik. In: UK Zettl, R Lehmitz, E Mix (eds), Klinische Liquordiagnostik. 2. Aufl. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin, S. 391-395.

Reiber H, Otto M, Trendelenburg Ch, Wormek A (2004). Reporting Cerebrospinal fluid data: knowledge base and interpretation software. eJIFCC;15(3)

Reiber H (2004). Neuroimmunology: Immunoglobulins and the intrathecal polyspecific immune response in acute, subacute and chronic neurological diseases. eJIFCC;15(3)

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Dorta-Contreras A.J., H. Reiber. (2006) Hallazgos neuroinmunológicos en el diagnóstico de neurotuberculosis  REV NEUROL 43 (12): 765-766

Robinson-Agramonte M, Reiber H, Cabrera-Gomez JA, Galvizu R. (2007). Intrathecal polyspecific immune response to neurotropic viruses in multiple sclerosis: a comparative report from Cuban patients. Acta Neurol Scand  115:312-318 

Lejon, Veerle ,  J Robays, F X N’Siesi, D Mumba, A Hoogstoel, S Bisser, H Reiber, M Boelaert and Ph Büscher. (2007).Treatment Failure Related to Intrathecal Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Synthesis, Cerebrospinal Fluid IgM, and Interleukin-10 in Patients with Hemolymphatic-Stage Sleeping Sickness.  CLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY. 14: 732–737

Jacobi  C, Lange P, Reiber H (2007). Quantitation of intrathecal antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, herpes simplex encephalitis and Multiple sclerosis: Discrimination between microorganism-driven and polyspecific immune response. J Neuroimmunol; 187: 139-146

Reiber H (2007). Die Komplexität biologischer Gestalt als zeitunabhängiges Konstrukt im Zustands-Raum. Zum naturwissenschaftlichen Umgang mit Qualitäten. In: Doris Zeilinger (Hg): VorSchein, Jahrbuch der Ernst-Bloch- Assoziation, Antogo Verl. Nürnberg 2007, S. 39-61

Reiber H Von Lichtenbergs „Gespenst“ zur Emergenz der Qualität. Die neurobiologische Hirn-Geist-Diskussion im Licht der Komplexitätswissenschaft. In: U.Joost und A.Neumann (Hrsg) Lichtenberg Jahrbuch 2008,S.65-93

Reiber H (2008). Neurologische Untersuchungen/Liquoranalytik In: Sinha P., Hrsg: Laborbefunde und ihre klinischen Interpretationen, Methoden der Laboruntersuchung, Diagnosestrategien. Differentialdiagnose, Spitta Verlag, 2008

Reiber H. Albaum,W (2008). Statistical evaluation of intrathecal protein synthesis in CSF/Serum quotient diagrams. Acta Neuropsychiatrica;20 (supplement 1) : 48-49. .

Reiber H, TeutM, Pohl D, RostasyK.M, Hanefeld F (2009). Paediatric and adult Multiple Sclerosis: Age Related Differences and time course of the neuroimmunological response in Cerebrospinal fluid. Multiple Sclerosis; 15: 1466-1480

Reiber H., Otto M.. Bechter K (2009). Cerebrospinal fluid analysis for diagnosis of noninflammatory, dementive and psychiatric diseases Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 21, Suppl 2:58-61

Reiber H (2009). Free light chains in CSF- pushing a method with biased interpretations. Acta Neurol Scand; 120: 445-446

Reiber H (2009). A patients state of health (disease) is a quality which defines relevance of a molecular variation, not vice versa. Acta Neurol Scan;120:450

Bechter K, Reiber H, Herzog S, Fuchs D, Tumani H, Maxeiner HG (2010). Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in affective and schizophrenic spectrum disorders. Identification of subgroups with immune responses and blood-CSF barrier dysfunction. Journal Psychiatric Research; 44:321-330

Reiber H (2010). Cerebrospinal Fluid: Spaces, production and Flow In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 3-4.

Reiber H (2010). Blood-Brain Barrier and Blood-CSF barrier function In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 5-8

Reiber H (2010) Dynamics of serum and brain proteins in CSF and blood In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 9-13

Reiber H (2010). Principles of analytical methods In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 17-29

Reiber H (2010). Proteins In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgar, p 44-56

Reiber H and Schmutzhard E (2010). Parasitoses and tropical diseases. In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 226-232

Reiber H (2010) CSF Analysis Report In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 235-248

Reiber H (2010) Quality assessment in the CSF laboratory In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 249-253

Reiber H (2010). Reference ranges of analytes in CSF and serum. In: Wildemann B, Oschmann P, Reiber H. (Eds). Laboratory diagnosis in Neurology, Thieme, Stuttgart, p 254-259

Stauch C, Reiber H, Rauchenzauner M, Pohl D, Hanefeld F, Gärtner J, .Rostásy KM (2011). Intrathecal IgM synthesis in pediatric MS is not a negative prognostic marker of disease progression: Quantitative versus qualitative IgM analysis. Mult Scler;17:327-34.

Reiber H. Rostasy K (2012). Quantitative and qualitative IgM analysis in CSF. Letter response Mult Scl.; 18:252-253

Reiber H (2012). Komplexität und Selbstorganisation stabiler biologischer Gestalt in Epigenese und Evolution – Von der genozentrischen  zur phänozentrischen Biologie. In: Kaasch, M., und Kaasch, J. (Hrsg.). Biologie und Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, Bd. 17:  37-80

Reiber H (2012). Epigenesis and epigenetics- understanding chronic diseases as a selforganizing stable phenotype Neurol. Psych. Brain Res.18: 79-81

Reiber H, Padilla-Docal B, Jensenius J, Dorta-Contreras AJ (2012). Mannan-binding lectin in CSF – a leptomeningeal protein. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS; 9: 17-24

Kuehne LK, Reiber H, Bechter K, Hagberg L, Fuchs D (2013). Cerebrospinal fluid neopterin is brain-derived and not associated with blood-CSF barrier dysfunction in non-inflammatory affective and schizophrenic spectrum disorders. J Psych.Res; 47: 1417-1422

Reiber H, Ressel Chr, Spreer A (2013). Diagnosis of Neuroborreliosis-Improved knowledge base for qualified antibody analysis and cerebrospinal fluid data pattern related interpretations. Neurol Psychiatry Brain Res; 19: 159-169

Reiber H. Lange P. Zerr I (2014). Neurochemical dementia diagnostics – Interlaboratory variation of analysis, reference ranges and interpretations. J Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism, 4: 147-151 (

Reiber H, Quentin C. (2014) B cell repertoires are different in brain and eye of the individual multiple sclerosis patient. Arbitrary variability of antibody specifities point to a new neuroimmunological model of B cell dependent, emergent properties. Neurol. Psych. Brain Res. 20: 20

Reiber H, Kruse-Sauter, H, Quentin C (2015). Antibody patterns vary arbitrarily between cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous humor of the individual multiple sclerosis patient: Specificity-independent pathological B cell function. J Neuroimmunol; 278: 247-54

Reiber, H (2016) Cerebrospinal fluid data compilation and knowledge-based interpretation of bacterial, viral, parasitic, oncological, chronic inflammatory and demyelinating diseases: Diagnostic patterns not to be missed in Neurology and Psychiatry. Arq Neuropsiquiatr;74(4):337-350

Reiber H (2016): Knowledge-base for interpretation of Cerebrospinal fluid data patterns – Essentials in Neurology and Psychiatry. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2016;74(6):501-512

Reiber H (2016) Liquordiagnostik  in Deutschland nach 1950 -Im Kontext der Wissenschaften und der Gesellschaft in DDR und BRD. In: Tumani H (Org.).: 25 Jahre Gesamtdeutsche Fachgesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik und Klinische Neurochemie e.V.(Hrsg).  Mayercards, Ulm, S.14-33

Reiber H (2016). Rückblick und Ausblick nach 25 Jahren gesamtdeutscher Liquordiagnostik. In: Tumani H (Org.).: 25 Jahre Gesamtdeutsche Fachgesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Liquordiagnostik und Klinische Neurochemie e.V.(Hrsg).  Mayercards, Ulm, (2016) S. 164-169       ISBN 978-3-9816996-2-3

Reiber H (2016) Liquordiagnostik in Deutschland nach 1950. Entwicklungen im Kontext von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in DDR und BRD. Nervenarzt; 87:1261-1270 DOI 10.1007/s00115-016-0241-7 

Reiber, H (2017). Genetisches Programm und Selbstorganisation stabiler Form. Die zwei Hirnhälften und Jahrtausende Koexistenz kontroverser Sicht der Welt. In: Michael Kaasch,
Joachim Kaasch & Torsten K. D. Himmel (Hg.). Denkstile und Schulenbildung in der Biologie.  Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, Bd. 19. S. 189-213

Reiber, H (2017). Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in der DDR und BRD. Ein Vergleich mit Beispielen aus der Biologie und Medizin. In: Michael Kaasch,
Joachim Kaasch & Torsten K. D. Himmel (Hg.). Biologie in der DDR- Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, Bd. 20. S. 151-178

Reiber H (2017). Polyspecific antibodies without persisting antigen in multiple sclerosis, neurolupus and Guillain-Barré syndrome: immune network connectivity in chronic diseases. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 75(8):580-588,

Reiber H (2017). Chronic diseases with delayed onset after vaccinations and infections: A complex systems approach to pathology and therapy, J Arch Mil Med; 5(3):e12285. doi: 10.5812/jamm.12285.

Reiber H, Zeman D, Kušnierová P, Mundwiler E, Bernasconi L (2019). Diagnostic relevance of Free light chains in Cerebrospinal fluid – The hyperbolic reference range for reliable data interpretation in quotient diagrams. Clin Chim Acta; 497: 153-162

Reiber H, Prange H, Volles E (2020). Reader response: The two lives of neurologist Helmut J. Bauer (1914–2008): Renowned MS specialist and National Socialist. Neurology 2020; 94 (22), doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000009539

Prange H, Reiber, H, Volles E (2020). Leserzuschrift zum Beitrag: SS-Hauptsturmführer Helmut J.Bauer (1914–2008). Nervenarzt 2020; 91 (Suppl. 1): 71

Reiber H., Uhr M (2020). Physiologie des Liquors. In: Berlit P (Hrsg) Klinische Neurologie, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S.107-125 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44768-0_21-2

Uhr M, Reiber H (2020). Liquordiagnostik. In : Berlit P (Hrsg) Klinische Neurologie, Springer, S.213-244

Suesse M, Reiber H, Grothe M, Petersmann A, Nauck M, Dressel A, Hannich MJ (2020). Free light chain kappa and the polyspecific immune response in MS and CIS – Application of the hyperbolic reference range for most reliable data interpretation. J Neuroimmun.  346: 577287,

Reiber H (2020). Software for cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics and statistics. Revista cubana de investigaciones Biomedicas;39 (3):e740 

Reiber H (2021). Non-linear ventriculo – lumbar protein gradients validate the diffusion-flow model for the blood-CSF barrier. Clin Chim Acta; 513: 64-67

Reiber H (2021). Blood-CSF barrier dysfunction means reduced cerebrospinal fluid flow not barrier leakage: conclusions from CSF protein data. Arq Neuropsiquiatr; 79(1): 56-67 DOI:

Reiber H, Nogueira Jr A (2021) Missing evidence for memory in the monocellular slime mold. PNAS;118: 36,

Reiber H (2023). Liquordiagnostik in der Neurologie. Paradigmenwechsel bei Hirnschranken, Immunsystem und chronischen Krankheiten. Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-662-68136-7, ISBN 3-662-68136-6

Reiber H (2024) Chronische neurologische und psychiatrische Krankheiten. Entwicklung, Diagnostik, Therapie In: Zettl U, Tumani H, Süessmuth S.(Eds). Klinische Liquordiagnostik. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2024

Reiber H (2024). Blut-Liquor-Schrankenfunktion und Liquorfluß. In: Zettl U, Tumani H, Süessmuth S. (Eds). Klinische Liquordiagnostik. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2024

Reiber H (2024) Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in Neurology. Paradigm change in Brain barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-68839-7, Berlin